TRI to keep it WILD - Raising funds for Nature Conservancy of Canada

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Fun

Mostly we've been doing a lot of new house stuff since we moved in at the beginning of June, but we also took a trip to Wisconsin to visit my grandmas and had a nice visit with Scott's parents over Canada Day. They were super wonderful awesome taking care of lots of projects at the house, looking after Bea.... AND they brought some much needed furniture. Yay! Thanks!

A fire boat in Halifax Harbor

Shooting at something from the Citadel to celebrate Canada day. These things are not usually up there. There is normally a daily firing of the noon gun (a big cannon with no cannonball, of course) from the top of the Citadel. I can hear it a lot more distinctly over here in Dartmouth as it's aimed in this general direction. Our old apartment in Halifax was behind the Citadel so I never heard it from there. Scott is in its direct path when he's at work and very close, so he gets a shock every day around lunch time. WAKE UP! Time for lunch!!!

I can't take any credit for helping to assemble the new bbq (as seen on the deck at our new house, yay!). Good job dada and gramps!

 Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo Parade - coincidentally happening on Canada Day weekend. Yeah, I wasn't aware of this kind of tattoo until a month ago. NOT related to embedding ink in the flesh.

At the beach at Taylor's Head. We LOVE the beach these days. We got to stop at Chickenburger in Bedford on the way home and had some good eats, even though their power was out after a big thunderstorm.

We also returned to Ross Farm Museum one weekend. There is more stuff going on now that it's tourist season. This is them turning the hay the old fashioned way.

A baby cow. er.... calf.

More babies at the farm. HONK!

Bea is STILL talking about the neigh-neigh ride at the farm. We also saw the apple barrel cooper at work and a blacksmith making shooes for a team of oxen .

1 comment:

rappin' rise said...

I missed you guys. I'm so glad you're blogging again. It looks beautiful up there. Hopefully we will visit someday. Have you been able to take the canoe out?